RCA News
RCA News
32nd RCA General Conference Held on 17 Sep. 2003 Endorsed 2005-06 Cycle Project Proposals Adopted the RCA GC Resolution on Establishment of RCARO | |||
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2005.03.15 |
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The 32nd RCA General Conference (GC) was held on 17 September 2003 at IAEA Headquarters in Vienna. Representatives from 17 RCA Member States, from RCA Regional Office (RCARO) and from IAEA were present at the meeting. Chairperson of the 32nd RCA GC was Prof. Rohini Hewamanna of
Sri Lanka. On behalf of the IAEA, DDG-TC (Department of Technical Co-operation), Ms Ana Maria Cetto, and DDG-NA (Department of Nuclear Science and Applications), Mr Werner Burkart, participated. The DDG-TC said in her message that establishment of RCARO is an important step toward a new era of RCA and wished that the RCARO could effectively liaise with the Member States and the IAEA in developing competent RCA programmes.
The meeting endorsed the 2005-06 cycle RCA projects that Member States proposed and adopted the RCA GC Resolution on the Establishment of the RCARO in the Republic of Korea. The meeting agreed to hold the 26th National RCA Representatives meeting in Pakistan in late March or early April 2004.
Further details, please go to: Meetings.