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RCA News
Nuclear Medicine Internship Training Course Participants from RCA Region launch 3 weeks Program from 13 October 2003, KIRAMS organized, KOICA supported






The RCARO initiated Nuclear Medicine Internship Training Course opened on 13 October 2003 at Korea Institute of Radiological & Medical Sciences (KIRAMS) with participation of more than 15 nuclear medicine professionals from RCA Member States, i.e., from CPR, MAL, INS, MYA, PHI, THA and VIE and additional participants also from other region. The 3-week course will particularly focus on the practical training in advanced applications of cyclotron and radioisotopes in nuclear medicine and radiation oncology. The Korea International Co-operation Agency (KOICA) funded the course.

The course aims at training nuclear medicine professionals from the developing countries in the region with additional participation from other region in the better use of Positron Emission Tomography (PET) technology with a tip of brain SPECT and relevant clinical imaging technologies.
The course also highlights radioisotope production technology with emphasis on cyclotron technologies. It is hoped that further research collaboration in this field would be made as a supplementary actitivity to the RCA health sector. During the course, participants will tour of some major nuclear medicine facilities in Korea, such as Seoul National University Hospital, Asan Medical Center in Seoul and Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute at Daejeon.

For further information: Ms. Gi Eun Kim, gieunn@kcch.re.kr