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RCA News
RCA RTC on Accreditation of NDT Laboratories as per ISO 17025 15-19 December 2003, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia






IAEA/RCA Regional Training Course (RTC) on Accreditation of NDT Laboratories as per ISO 17025 will be held at MINT Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in 15-19 December 2003.
The main purpose of the course is:
(1) To provide basic knowledge and some practical exercises to understand and implement the requirements of the ISO 17025 standard in modern NDT laboratories,
(2) To exchange technical views, experience and ideas to explore ways of achieving a more efficient way for establishment of a quality system with the overall goal of preparing for ISO 17025 accreditation at a national level,
(3) To assist in promoting mutual recognition of NDT Certifications between Member States in RCA region,
(4) To provide information on other international codes and standards, procedures, quality assurance and good management practice currently being adopted in some countries.

For further information, contact Dr. Ibrahim Abd Nassir at nassir@mint.gov.my