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RCA News
Australian Ambassador to Korea commended RCA Endeavors Mr Ron Cameron, AUL Nat'l RCA Rep. highlighted ANSTO's Regional Interactions RCARO explained RCA Programmes at Nuclear Club Meeting in Seoul






His Excellency, the Australian Ambassador to Korea, Mr Colin Heseltine commended RCA programmes for their valuable contributions to the benefit of the region. The Ambassador also congratulated the establishment of RCARO signifying it as the focal point to increase identity of regional peaceful nuclear co-operation. The Ambassador also said at the Nuclear Club meeting on 28 November hosted by the Australian Embassy in Seoul that the country is endeavoring to upgrade the capability and capacity for nuclear science and technology in the region through various regional and international co-operative vehicles, among them RCA is highly featured.

At the meeting, Mr Ron Cameron, the National RCA Representative of Australia and Acting CEO of ANSTO made a presentation on ANSTO's future and its regional interactions. He emphasized 'Good Science is Good Business' and related that ANSTO is endeavoring to raise Australia's global nuclear scientific profile. Regarding the construction of a new research reactor at ANSTO, Mr Ron Cameron said that they hope to get the best use of this exciting facility with a vision to benefit not only Australia but also to international community. At the meeting, RCARO had an opportunity to increase RCA awareness to the participants while explaining RCA programmes and RCARO missions and activities. The Nuclear Club is a forum of diplomatic missions that are currently stationing in Korea, representing countries that have peaceful nuclear technology uses. The Nuclear Club established early this year discusses what things are happening in the Nuclear Club member countries and to allow greater profile of nuclear technology and co-operation in the region.

