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RCA News
14th PBNC to convene in Hawaii in March 2004 'New Technologies for a New Era' is Theme of the Conference






The PBNC (Pacific Basic Nuclear Conference) will be held in 21-25 March 2004 at Hawaii Sheraton Waikiki hotel in Honolulu. The PBNC is a long customary international conference to interchange recent nuclear information and to deal with current nuclear issues with focus on the new technological development and socio-economic aspect for the benefit of mankind. The conference has been held in PBNC participating countries biennially. Next year's conference will be 14th of its series following 13th Conference in Shezen, China in 2002. The basic theme of the PBNC 2004 is 'New Technologies for a New Era'.

The PBNC covers a wide range of current topics in the nuclear community in the Pacific basic region. The participating countries of the PBNC are countries in the Pacific basin but it embraces other countries in other regions that have close interactions with the Pacific basin countries. A lot of RCA Member States are participating in the PBNC activities. The 2004 PBNC will also touch on the development of new radiation applications technology.