RCA News
Season's Greetings to the Fellows from RCA Member States RCARO arranged a Year-end Event on 22 December 2003 | |||
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2005.03.15 |
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RCARO arranged a year-end event for the fellows from RCA Member States presently staying in Korea away from their homes, as done in previous year. On 22 December 2003, RCARO hosted a bashful luncheon at KAERI's guest house inviting all fellows from RCA Member States and their Korean counter-parts or supervisors. The fellows presently staying in Korea either by IAEA Fellowship programmes or RCARO initiated post-doctoral fellowship and training programmes and students participating in KAIST Master's Degree course enjoyed the pre-holiday get-together party.
The fellows are 4 from Bangladesh, 2 from Pakistan, 2 from Viet Nam, 2 from Myanmar, and 1 from Indonesia. In the forenoon, they toured of KAERI research facilities such as HANARO research reactor and RI production facility. In the afternoon, they visited KINS to see the environmental radiation monitoring system and so on. Mr Kim, Jin-Kyoung, Director, RCARO, reiterated while proposing a toast for a joyous and wishful new year that RCARO's nuclear knowledge preservation and enhancement efforts will supplement the nuclear human resources development activities of the RCA Member States so that it eventually contributes to the region. He also hoped that the fellows would function as the catalyst to increase RCA profile and to promote better RCA partners throughout the region.