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RCA News
'EISTA 04' Conference: A Forum for ICT in Education and Training Seeks improved Approaches, 21-25 July 2004, Orlando, Florida






Relationships between Education/Training and Information/Communication Technologies (ICT) are accelerating in these days. An international conference on 'Education and Information Systems: Technologies and Applications' (EISTA) for 2004 that will be held in 21-25 July 2004 in Orlando, Florida, USA will seek the bridging process between education/training and ICT communities. Since the RCA is also positively pursuing electronic networking and outreach endeavors, particularly for use of ICT in higher nuclear education, this 'EISTA 04' Conference is speculated to provide some constructive ideas how to improve ICT based higher education and training attempt.
Suggested topics at the Conference are: (in the area of Education and Training Systems and Technologies) industrial/Corporative Training, Organizational Learning, Cybernetics of Education, Educational and training e-consultations, Higher Education, Instructional Design, Knowledge Management, Synergy between Education and Development, Learning to Learn; (in the area of Application of Education Technologies) Education of Science and Engineering, Education for Informatics and Communication Technologies, Corporative Training in Informatics and Cybernetics, Information Science Education; (in the area of Applications of Information and Communication Technologies in Education and Training) Multimedia-based Instructional Design, Online Teaching and Learning, Internet-based Learning Tools, Virtual Classroom, Virtual Universities, Microcomputers in Education, Computer-based Training, Web-based Training, Internet-based Teaching, Distance Learning, Application of Simulation in Education and Training, E-learning, Integrating E-learning and Classroom Learning, etc.
Invited Sessions will soon be organized to call for invited papers throughout the world. Experts in various field of education/training and ICT have been requested to work for the invited session. Many of the invited session organizers have been nominated from RCA region (Japan, Australia, India, Pakistan, Malaysia...etc).

For further information: please write to eista04@confinf.org
or visit to www.confinf.org/eista04

