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RCA News
Co-operation between FNCA and RCA Viewed 10 Feb. 2004, JAIF Delegation Visited RCARO






JAIF delegation led by Mr Hideo Nakasugi, General Manager, Asia Cooperation Center (ACC) of Japan Atomic industrial Forum (JAIF), visited RCARO on 10 February 2004 and exchanged views with Mr Kim, Jin-Kyoung, Director, RCARO, on the co-operation between FNCA and RCA on a supplementary basis. The Japan initiated FNCA (Forum for Nuclear Cooperation in Asia) is currently carrying out 11 co-operative projects with the participation of 9 member countries in Asia and the Pacific. All FNCA member countries are at the same time RCA Member States.

Since all FNCA member countries are RCA Member States and there are sense of proximities in the project areas, avoidance of duplication and supplementary cooperation have been regarded as mutual concerns. In this regard, RCARO with its mandate to promote RCA partnerships, has great intention to produce further synergic effect between RCA and FNCA projects. JAIF expressed the need to establish a modality between the two frameworks that will clarify and identify commitment from each other to that effect.