RCA News

RCA News
RCA Meeting on the Use of Cs-137 Technique for RCA Meeting on the Use of Cs-137 Technique for 5-9 July, MINT, Malaysia | |||
admin |
2005.03.15 |
3986 |
The main purpose of this meeting is to strengthen the capacities of the staff actively involved in the implementation of the project by exchanging experiences in using the Cs-137 technique in the countries of the region, and thus, to understand better the several aspects/issues of the technique, interpret the results correctly and obtain reliable soil erosion/sedimentation data.
The expected outputs are:
- Increased knowledge and skills to apply correctly the Cs-137 technique for obtaining reliable quantitative erosion and sedimentation rates,
- Increased capacities of local staff to undertake soil erosion research and related studies,
- Improved understanding of the relationships between the rates of soil loss and soil quality, soil carbon and nutrient redistribution and the fate of agrochemicals at the landscape level.
For more information, please write to the local organizer Dr. Zainudin Othman (MINT) at zainudin@mint.gov.my