RCA News

RCA News
26th Meeting of National RCA Representatives 12-15 April 2004, Islamabad, Pakistan Strategic Session and Scientific Forum also Scheduled | |||
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2005.03.15 |
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The Meeting of National RCA Representatives that grew up from the RCA Working Group Meeting (WGM) has been held annually in a Member State, usually in spring. Pakistan became RCA Member State in 1974 and has a history of hosting the 7th NRM (then WGM) in 1985. At the 26th NRM, representatives from 17 RCA Member States together with representatives from IAEA and RCARO will discuss not only current (2003-04) but also future cycle (2005-06) RCA projects. Matters related to RCARO, harmonization with non-RCA projects, and other RCA policy issues are also listed in the agenda for discussion and decision.
To make the Meeting more meaningful and fruitful, IAEA's Head of the Department of Technical Co-operation (DDG-TC), Ms Ana Maria Cetto; Director, Division for Africa and East Asia & the Pacific (TCPA), Mr Manase Peter Salema; and RCA Coordinator (dual capacity as Section Head of East Asia + Pacific), Mr M. Prinath Dias, plan to attend. A technical visit to PINSTEC (Pakistan Institute of Nuclear Science &Technology) will be arranged during the Meeting.
The RCA Strategic Session is expected to identify strategic areas for future RCA projects, ways and means of attracting donor agencies, better implementation of RCA projects, and other relevant matters will be discussed. At the Scientific Forum, major achievements of RCA programme will be highlighted in an effort to increase awareness about RCA to the target audiences. The Forum intends to address major development issues in the region in order to promote partnerships with the development agencies in the region and to strengthen collaboration with the key Ministries of the Government of Pakistan. At the Forum, therefore, success stories of RCA thematic projects (in particular, agricultural, health, industrial and environmental sectors) will be presented with emphasis on the potential for establishing partnerships with the development agencies.
For more information: IAEA/RCA Coordinator, M.P.Dias@iaea.org or Dr Munim Awais of Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission (PAEC) at diat@comsats.net.pk