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Thai King honored by UN Award for Water Management Project UN presented the Habitat Scroll of Honor Award in late February | |||
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2005.03.15 |
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It is normally presented every October at a ceremony marking World Habitat Day. Since protocol does not allow the king to travel to receive such awards, the United Nations brought it to Thailand to be presented in private. The Habitat Scroll of Honor accompanied with a special citation recognizing the king's "outstanding contribution to improving water resource management in Thailand."
It says the royal Pa Sak River Basin Development Project, initiated and encouraged by the king, has reduced water pollution in Bangkok and other major cities of central Thailand while other projects have targeted the management of floods and the salinization of water resources in the south. UN undersecretary general Tibaijuka said "The comprehensive and integrated nature of his Majesty's royal development projects is a lesson to all of us eager to protect our natural environment." (Source: ENN: Environmental News Network)