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RCA News
25th Meeting of National RCA Representatives Colombo, Sri Lanka, 26-28 May 2003 Sri Lanka Minister of Science & Technology Welcomed Delegates






The 25th Meeting of National RCA Representatives was opened at Galadari Hotel, Colombo, Sri Lanka on 26 May 2003. The incoming Chair of the Meeting, Prof. (Ms) Rohini Hewamanna, Chairperson of Sri Lanka Atomic Energy Authority (AEA) welcomed the delegates from 17 RCA Member States, the IAEA, the RCA Regional Office (RCARO) and other regional and international participants. Hinorable Keheliya Rambukwella, Minister of Science & Technology of Sri Lanka delivered a message congratulating the RCA meeting.

Mr. Douglas Nethsinghe, Chairman, Advisory Committee of AEA, who had a long association with the IAEA's Technical Cooperation programs, made an address signifying the RCA achievements during the past and foresees the future development. On behalf of the IAEA, Mr. Peter Saleman, Director, Division of Africa and East Asia & the Pacific, thanked to the host government and wished a success meeting. The inauguration was concluded with a vote of thanks by Mr. J.M.A.C. Jayashinghe, the National RCA Representative of Sri Lanka.

After the inauguration, main sessions followed. At the opening of the main session, the outgoing Chair (Korea) thanked for the Member States and the IAEA for functioning the chairmanship successfully. Prof. Hewamanna was elected as the incoming Chair who will also chair the RCA General Conference meeting in September in Vienna.