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RCA News
RCA RTW on Medical Management for Radiation Accident 1-5 March 2004, NIRS, Chiba, Japan






IAEA/RCA Regional Training Workshop on Medical Management for Radiation Accident will be held at National Institute of Radiological Sciences (NIRS) in Chiba, Japan in 1-5 March 2004. The workshop is organized for physicians who may be called upon radiation emergency to provide emergency medical service to a radiation accident victim or for medical personnel who are responsible for the training to transfer the knowledge as well as skills to recognize a radiation injury, to treat overexposed or contaminated persons, and to prepare for the proper management of radiation accidents at hospital levels.

By the end of the workshop, the participants will;

- Know the risk of various types of radiation emergencies, their potential medical consequences, and lessons learned,
- Know the basic concepts of emergency preparedness and response,
- Be able to describe the objectives of medical emergency preparedness and response,
- Know the basic structure of procedures and worksheets in the TECDOC “Generic Procedures for Medical Response During Radiation Emergency”
- Be able to train others in procedures for initiation of medical response, for medical response management, for response at the pre-hospital and hospital levels, for managing psychological consequences of the emergency and for public health response
- Be able to train the procedures for radiological assessment needed to provide support in medical emergency response
- Know how to obtain initial advice and assistance through Assistance Convention
- Know how the workshop training materials could be used in their own countries

For further information, please write to course director Dr. Makoto AKASHI at akashi@nirs.go.jp