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RCA News
RCA Lead Country Coordinators Meeting 26-30 July 2004, IAEA Headquarters in Vienna Review of 2005-06 Programme and Projects Progress






The Lead Country Coordinators for RCA thematic areas will have a meeting in 26-30 July 2004 at the IAEA Headquarters in Vienna to review the proposed IAEA/RCA programme for 2005-06 and also to discuss the progress of the projects under implementation. The IAEA/RCA programme has been carried out under 7 thematic areas, i.e., Agriculture, Health Care, Industry, Environment, Energy Planning, Research Reactor, Radiation Protection, and Electronic Networking and Outreach (ENO). For 2005-06 cycle, a total of 22 projects under the thematic areas were proposed for financial as well as technical supports from the IAEA. 
The IAEA/RCA programme has been carried out on a biennial basis since 1999 in order to envisage a more sustainable achievements of the projects being implemented under the thematic areas. The RCA Member States under the guidance of the IAEA have categorized IAEA/RCA projects into several thematic areas reflecting the real regional requirements. The Member States designated Lead Countries that would function to lead the overall projects. Currently, they are; China for Agriculture, Japan for Health Care, India for Industry, New Zealand for Environment, Korea for Energy Planning and Research Reactor, Australia for Radiation Protection, and Malaysia for ENO.

