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RCA News
RCA RTC on Management of Liver Cancer Using Trans-arterial Radio-conjugate Therapy 1-5 Nov. 2004, Islamabad, Pakistan






IAEA/RCA Regional Training Course on “Management of Liver Cancer Using Trans-arterial Radio-conjugate Therapy” will be held in Islamabad, Pakistan in 1-5 November 2004. The course is being organized to train nuclear medicine physicians and the scientists in the application of therapeutic radionuclide procedures in the management of liver cancer.

The course will focus on various following aspects of management of liver cancer, especially for the radioconjugate therapy using Re-188 lipiodol:

- To have and update on all routine and special radionuclide therapeutic procedures relevant to liver cancer
- To perform these procedures in their own centers
- To select appropriate protocols
- To interpret the results of treatment
- To recognize possible pitfalls
- To understand how these procedures contribute to patient management
- To recognize strengths and weaknesses of these, vis a vis other diagnostic and therapeutic modalities in
the field of management of liver cancer

For more information, please write to local course director Dr Rafaqat Ali Jaffri (Director, Nuclear Medicine, Oncology and Radiotherapy Institute) at NORI@biosys.net

