RCA News
RCA News
RCA Technical MTG on Design and Simulation of Neutron Beam Instruments 4-8 October 2004, Daejeon, Korea | |||
admin |
2005.03.15 |
3313 |
IAEA/RCA Technical Meeting on Design and Simulation of Neutron Beam Instruments will be held in KAERI, Daejeon, Korea in 4-8 October 2004. The objectives of the meeting are: To provide experts guidance in the design of new instruments for neutron beam research using simulation technique, identify problems of existing set ups, specific to each Member State, and work out possible solution for optimization, with stress on diffraction technique; To discuss the sample environment facilities like cryogenics, high temperature furnace, high pressure cells, magnetic fields etc.
The technical meeting will be beneficial for the up-gradation of existing instruments and designing new instruments with proper optimization for neutron diffraction experiments. This will help in effective utilization of the available neutron flux at the existing research reactors.
For more information, please write to local organizer Mr Chang-Hee Lee (Project Leader, Neutron Beam Application Project, HANARO Center, KAERI) at leech@kaeri.re.kr