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RCA News
RCA RTC on Optimization of Industrial Processes through Improved Off-Belt and On-line Bulk Analysis of Materials by Using PGNAA25-29 October 2004, Beijing, China






IAEA/RCA Regional Training Course on Optimization of Industrial Processes through Improved Off-Belt and On-line Bulk Analysis of Materials by Using PGNAA will be held in Beijing, China in 25-29 October 2004. The purpose of the course is to introduce and train participants in the applications of Prompt Gamma Neutron Activation Analysis (PGNAA) technique for off-line analysis of bulk raw material for better controlling industrial processes in cement, coal and mineral industries as well as to provide training in the use of PGNAA borehole logging system.

The expected results are:
- A core of personnel at the national nuclear institute able to backstop and advise on advanced
off-belt and in-situ PGNAA bulk analysis gauges.
- Selected personnel in appropriate national industries able to assess suitability of the application
of advanced off-belt and in-situ PGNAA bulk analysis NCS technology to their specific technical
and economic needs.
- A contribution to the increased use of nuclear technology through demonstrating the cost-
effective benefits afforded by bulk analysis.

For more information, please write to Course Director Mr Zhang, Peixin (Dep’t of Isotopes, China Institute of Atomic Energy) at pxzhang@iris.ciae.ac.cn

