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RCA News
RCA Project Progress Review Meeting on Mutant Multi-Location Trials and Mutation Enhancement of Genetic Diversity 29 October - 3 November 2004, Suwon and Seoul, Korea






IAEA/RCA Project Progress Review Meeting on Mutant Multi-Location Trials and Mutation Enhancement of Genetic Diversity will be held in Suwon and Seoul, Korea in 29 October - 3 November 2004. The objectives of this meeting are (1) to review and evaluate achievements made during 2003-2004 in the implementation of the IAEA Regional Project on “Enhancement of Genetic Diversity in Food, Pulses and oil crops and Establishment of Mutant Germplasm Network” (The participants should present the results of RMMT and achievements made in mutant induction/characterization and mutation breeding as well as the performance of new mutant varieties of advanced lines in yield trials and production), (2) to provide the participants the opportunity to exchange up-to-date information on new breeding objectives, as well as the methodologies and techniques for the isolation, characterization, and utilization of newly obtained induced mutants, (3) to discuss and improve work plan for 2005 and 2006.

The meeting will result in (1) and Agency Working material containing country reports of above-mentioned activities since last meeting, including detailed information on material, methodologies, results, conclusions and recommendations; (2) a consensus on work plan adjustment and amendment as appropriate; (3) increased exchange of mutant germplasm and expertise among participating countries, and particularly the participants with Korea counterparts through group visits.

For more information please write to local organizer Mr Churl-Whan KANG, Crop Experiment Station (NCES), Rural Development Administration (RDA) at cwkang@rda.go.kr

