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RCA News
RCARO Workshop for RCA Working Staff of Member States 14-17 June 2004 at INTEC, Daejeon, Korea Increasing RCA Visibility and Promoting RCA Viability






'Increase Your Value in RCA Careers' was the theme of the Workshop opened on 14 June 2004 at INTEC (International Nuclear Training & Education Center of KAERI). The 4-day Workshop for RCA Working Staff of Member States organized by RCARO was the first event ever held for the RCA in-charge staff of Member States in the 30 more years of RCA milestones. Through the Workshop, participants further increased awareness of RCA for visibility and viability of RCA.
The Workshop highlighted presentations by invited speakers who have great affection for RCA with long association. The invited presentations were 1) 'Overview of RCA Programme' by Dr Prinath Dias, RCA Coordinator of IAEA 2) 'RCA's Spirit and Achievements' by Dr Anil Kumar Anand of India 3) 'Improving Visibility and Viability of RCA Programme' by Dr John F Easey of Australia 4) 'Global Efforts for Sustainable Development and the Role of RCA' by Dr Corazon C Bernido of the Philippines, and 5) 'RCA at Fingertips' by Dr Md Nordin Razley, former IAEA's Section Head for East Asia and the Pacific Section.

Mr Kim, Jin-Kyoung, Director of RCARO, presented on 'Mandate and Activities of RCARO'. Mr Md Safuan Sulaiman of MINT, Malaysia presented on 'RCA Information Flow and Electronic Networking and Outreach Programme'. Participants from Member States presented their country reports suggesting tips for improving RCA management effectively and efficiently so that the Member States and the region can even more extensively be benefited by the distinctive advantages of nuclear technology.

In conjunction with the Workshop, participants also visited several Korea's nuclear institutes; Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI), Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety (KINS) and Korea Institute for Radiological and Medical Sciences (KIRAMS).

