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UNESCAP organized 5-Days Student Camp in Thailand 400 Children from 10 Countries Participated "Art For All: All For Health" was the Theme






The Bangkok based UNESCAP (United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific) has been organizing annual student-camp with an idea that all children with and without disabilities should have equal opportunity to develop their talents. UNESCAP also conceives the idea that the children are the leaders for future society who will undertake sustainable development. This year's camp was held from 30 July for a 5-day schedule with the theme of "Art For All: All For Health". The event was co-organized by the Ministry of Health of the Royal Thai Government. (Source: UNESCAP)

This year's theme was so selected with an idea that harmony and beauty will be created out of human differences and this will be the basis for the sustainable development of the future society. The "Art For All" camp brought together children with and without disabilities through integrated programmes of visual, performing, and literary arts. UNESCAP organized the first art exhibition of their work in 1999. Since then it has steadily grown and now includes work from over 400 students and youth, both with and without disabilities, who are working with international artists from 10 countries. Various art forms are used as medium for students with disabilities to have better self-esteem, exposure to professional opportunities as artists, and to motivate them to participate in all aspects of society. The opening event was held at UN Conference Center in Bangkok and the 5-day art camp was held in Thailand's Nakon Nayok Province. At the opening, UNESCAP Executive Secretary Mr Kim Hak-Su received an appreciation plaque from the Art For All organization.

