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RCA News
ANSTO's Materials Science Day to Attract Neighboring Community Open House for People to Learn and Experience on Atomic World | |||
admin |
2005.03.15 |
3164 |
The fascinating world of materials science will reveal many of its mysterious and opportunities - as well as provide a smashing good time for the whole family - when ANSTO (Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organization), the nation's only nuclear science facility, opens its renowned materials laboratories to the community on 21 August 2004 for 'Materials Science Day'. (Source: ANSTO)
ANSTO's 'Materials Science Day' is arranged in an effort to promote a better understanding about nuclear science and technology, particularly on the fundamentals of materials. The event will provide an excellent, hands-on opportunity for people to learn about the diverse and exciting
materials that make up our world. Materials Science Day visitors will be able to view everyday objects like leaves and insects through the ultra-powerful eyes of Scanning Electron and Transmission Electron microscopes, seeing both their surface and atomic structure.
Visitors will hear how ANSTO's materials science capabilities are set to leap onto the world stage due to the organization's new research reactor (RRR). The reactor will allow ANSTO scientists to explore the nanostructure of an incredible range of materials that make up our lives now and in the future. The Materials Science Day is one of the highlights of this year's National Science Week. For further information, visit to www.ansto.gov.au