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RCA News
RCA Mtg for Senior Managers of Optimization of Industrial Processes using PGNAA 1-3 November, 2004, Beijing, China






IAEA/RCA Meeting for Senior Managers of Optimization of Industrial Processes using PGNAA (Pulsed Gamma Neutron Activation Analysis) will be held in Beijing, China in 1-3 November 2004. The main objective of the meeting is to demonstrate the practical and economic benefits of the use of off-belt and on-line bulk analysis PGNAA gauges for the optimization and quality assurance of materials in processing, and of the use of borehole PGNAA tool for optimization of mineral development.
The expected output is an increased awareness of industrial end users in RCA Member States on benefit and safety of applying PGNAA technology for optimization of industrial processes. The meeting will be held in conjunction with the Regional Training Course on Optimization of Industrial Processes through Improved Off-Belt and On-line Bulk Analysis of Materials by Using PGNAA on 25-29 October 2004 in Beijing.

For more information, please write to local organizer Mr Zhang, Peixin (Dep’t of Isotopes, China Institute of Atomic Energy) at pxzhang@iris.ciae.ac.cn

