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RCA News
IAEA/RCA Briefing Meeting for Mission Representatives in Vienna Highlights 2005-06 Programme, 7 Sep. 04 at IAEA Headquarters






IAEA's East Asia and the Pacific Section has held briefing meetings for years for diplomatic mission representatives from the Member States stationed in Vienna. This year's mission briefing meeting will be held on 7 September 2004 at IAEA Headquarters, prior to the IAEA and RCA General Conference meetings. The purpose of the meeting is to enhance understanding about IAEA's Technical Cooperation programme for East Asia and the Pacific region. (1 Sep. 04)

Mission representatives from 17 IAEA/RCA Member States (Australia, Bangladesh, China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, New Zealand, Pakistan, the Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Viet Nam) will participate in the briefing meeting. At the meeting, Mr Manase Peter Salema, Director, Division of Africa, East Asia and the Pacific will explain about IAEA's technical co-operation policies and strategies. Mr Mahendra Prinath Dias, RCA Coordinator, will introduce RCA programme with particular focus on 2005-06 cycles regional co-operative programme while Mr Reyad Kamel, Acting Section Head, East Asia and the Pacific Section will brief on the 2005-06 programme for East Asia and the Pacific region in general.

