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RCA News
RCA Energy Project Planning Meeting for 2005-06 Cycles 7-11 Feb. 05, Islamabad, Pakistan in Co-operation with PAEC To Highlight Role of Nuclear Energy for Sustainable Development






One of the IAEA/RCA Thematic Sector projects is to support Member States in their national energy planning for sustainable development and to identify the role of nuclear energy among various energy options. During the past cycles, emphasis has been placed on comparative energy assessment. Based on the past activities, the 2005-06 project will focus on how to trace future sustainable paths through different energy options with particular underline on the role of nuclear energy in identifying the path. The project planning meeting on the 2005-06 cycles project will first be held in Islamabad, Pakistan, in 7-11 February 2005.
The meeting will not only detail the 2005-06 cycles activities but also confirm the Government's commitment of participating Member States. It is also expected that elevated discussions will be made on the issues and problems affecting energy and power sector planners in the region such as socio-economic impact, environmental consequences and competitiveness in the electricity market. The meeting will also foresee the dimension of the 2007-08 cycles project. The meeting will be held in co-operation with PAEC (Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission). It is noted that the IAEA/RCA has contributed Member States in their energy planning by providing tools and methodologies for analyzing sustainable energy issues.

For further information, please write Mr. Ahmad Mumtaz at asag@comsats.net.pk

