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RCA News
IAEA/RCA Technical Meeting for National RCA Support Staff 15-21 January 2005, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Facilitate Better Use of RCA Information, Prepare Computer-based Meetings






The National RCA Supporting Staff of Member States will have a technical meeting/workshop on the better use of RCA information accommodated in the RCA members only homepage and the use of collaborative tools to prepare for future electronic meetings. The meeting/ workshop will be held in 15-21 January 2005 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia under the IAEA/RCA ENO (Electronic Networking and Outreach) scheme.

The meeting/workshop is the second successive event for national RCA supporting staff (In- charge of RCA affairs who directly support National RCA Representatives of Member States) since the first one in June 2004 in Korea organized by RCARO. The in-charge persons of national RCA coordinating agencies who participated in the first such workshop strong felt that there is a good need to continue the workshops or technical meetings in order to support RCA programme more efficiently and effectively.

The main purpose of the January Malaysia technical meeting is to facilitate RCA Member States to use information available in the RCA members only homepage currently hosted by MINT of Malaysia and to use the collaborative tools to prepare for computer-based meetings as agreed by the RCA General Conference Meeting in September 2004. It is noted that the next Meeting of National RCA Representatives in the region, March 2005 in Malaysia, will quietly be conducted as computer-based electronic meeting. The idea behind this scheme is to extensively familiarize with modern information technology and to avoid conventional hard-copy meeting as well. At the January technical meeting, roles and functions of RCA related homepages are expected to revisit for better information management.

