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RCA News
RCARP03: Publication of a paper in the Lancet Oncology Journal | |||
관리자 |
2024.05.24 |
1555 |
RCARP03:Publication of a paper on the Lancet Oncology Journal
Current and Projected Gaps in the Availaibility of Radiotherapy in the Asia-Pacific Region: A Country Income-group Analysis
RCARO has been implmenting the RCA Research Project on Closing the Gap in Radiotherapy Access in RCA Government Parties (RCARP03) since 2022. The project aims to to measure the gap in radiotherapy services in the region and to estimate the potential economic and life loss upon failure to close the gap. Using the data produced under the project, the participating countries have successfuly published a paper "Current and projected gaps in the availability of radiotherapy in the Asia-Pacific region: a country income-group analysis" in the Lancet Oncology journal. Please refer to the following link for more information :