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News of the Government Parties
Invitation to 9th International Conference on Isotopes (9 ICI), 12-16. Nov. 2017, Qatar






Invitation Letter


Dear Sir/ Madam,

On behalf of the World Council on Isotopes and the Organizing Committee, I am pleased to invite you to participate in the 9th International Conference on Isotopes (9 ICI). The conference will be held from 12 to 16 November in Doha, the capital city of Qatar, a city has a lot to offer from history, culture and seaside relaxation to high tech and a glorious skyline.

Starting in 1995, the International Conference on Isotopes has provided a unique opportunity for researchers, isotope producers, isotope users, policy makers and the public to meet in a setting conducive to exchanging views and information on topics of mutual interest.

In line with previous conferences in this successful series, 9 ICI will consist of both a conference and an exhibition by suppliers and key isotope role-players. Topics to be covered include production processes and technologies, a variety of applications of radioactive and stable isotopes, security of supply, safety and transportation, policy issues as well as complementary matters. The International Medical Physics Day will also be celebrated, coinciding with the 150th celebration of Marie Curie’s birth.

Please refer to the attached information for more details. The detailed conference program will be sent to you at a later stage and posted on the official website (http://www.9ici.org/). Should you have further queries about the 9th International Conference on Isotopes, please address them toinfo@9ici.org.

We look forward to seeing you at this important event



Van Zyl de Villiers