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RCARO Announced Vacancy Notice for a Director of RCARO






(30 Sep. 04) RCARO, on behalf of the Chair of the RCARO Advisory Committee, announced the 'Vacancy Notice' for a Director of RCARO as of 30 September 2004. The time frame for selection and appointment of the Director, the job description, and the vacancy notice together with an application form have been developed by the 5-member Selection Committee and they have been reviewed by the RCARO Advisory Committee. The Chair of the RCARO Advisory Committee reported the documents to the 33rd RCA General Conference Meeting held in Vienna on 22 September 2004. The 33rd RCA GCM adopted the documents and agreed to announce the 'Vacancy Notice' to meet the time schedule. The Vacancy Notice will shortly be circulated to all National RCA Representatives for their interest and co-operation. The Notice has also been posted to RCARO website for a wider recognition. RCARO requested RCA Members Only homepage and the IAEA-TC homepage to post the Notice to their respective homepages.