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Annual Review Meeting of the RCA-UNDP Project, 20-21 December 2011, Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia






Dear National RCA Representatives,


 It is my pleasure to inform you that we would like to invite RCA Member States of the RCA-UNDP project on “Promoting and Accelerating Nuclear SPECT/PET Imaging Technologies in the Region” to the Annual Review Meeting to be held from 20 to 21 December 2011 in Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia. Details of the above-mentioned meeting and the provisional agenda are attached for your reference.


As stated in the Prospectus, this meeting aims to review and evaluate the outcomes of the project in 2011 and set up 2012 work plan for successful implementation of the project.


In this regard, I would appreciate it if you could inform us not later than 7 November 2011 of suitable candidates for this meeting with the duly completed participation form.


Thank you for your cooperation.


Best regards,



Mun Ki LEE


RCA Regional Office