연구개요 Initial goals of the research project were planned as follows: ⦁ to study the heavy particle properties in different environments (dense, external magnetic field, etc); ⦁ to study the properties of nuclear matter, neutron stars and strange stars; ⦁ the understanding the non-perturbative structure of the charmonium and heavy-light quark systems. 연구 목표대비 연구결과 During the research period we have obtained the following results: ⦁ We studied SU(3) non-heavy and single-heavy baryon properties in isospin symmetric, isospin asymmetric and strangeness mixed environments. In particular, a single-heavy baryon properties we studied in two different (a model dependent and the model independent) ways. In addition to planned tasks we also studied the nucleon mechanical properties in nuclear matter. ⦁ We also studied the ordinary nuclear (the isospin symmetric and asymmetric) matter properties and the strangeness mixed matter properties. The applications to the neutron and strange stars has been performed. ⦁ We calculated the heavy quark correlators with the perturbative corrections in the instanton liquid model of QCD vacuum. We also analysed the main features of heavy-light quark systems in the instanton generated background by considering the pion emissions by exited heavy quarkonium. We calculated the color-octet heavy-quark potential in instanton liquid model and studied the instanton effects on the electromagnetic transions of charmonium. We also performed tests of the phenomenological nonrelativistic charmonium potential. On a basis of performed tasks we had 8 publications in scientific SCI journals and made presentations during the conferences and workshops. Some of the publications are at the stage of preparation and submission. In general, the research process gone smoothly according to the initially planned schedule of the tasks. 연구개발성과의 활용 계획 및 기대효과(연구개발결과의 중요성) The benefits of our studies can be realized in the following ways: ⦁ The results of our studies of the properties of heavy baryons in nuclear matter will be useful for understanding the experimental data coming out from the Large Hadron Collider and the relativistic heavy ion collision experiments. ⦁ The results of our studies of nuclear matter studies will be useful for understanding the phenomena taking place during the collision experiments, for understanding the structure of compact stellar objects, for understanding the properties of atomic nuclei and rare isotopes. ⦁ The results of our instanton liquid model studies will be useful for understanding the origin of the phenomenological heavy quark potential parameters, for understanding the fine structure of the quarkonium spectrum and its transition modes due to electromagnetic and strong interactions. (source : 연구결과 요약문 2p)
- 연구책임자 : Yakhshiev Ulugbek
- 주관연구기관 : 인하대학교
- 발행년도 : 20230300
- Keyword : 1. 무거운 중입자;핵물질;강한 양자색소역학;중성자별;기묘한 물질; 2. Heavy hadrons;Nuclear matter;Strong QCD;Neutron star;Strange matter;