A radiation protective device, such as a thyroid collar, for protection against radiation, such as ionizing radiation is disclosed. The device comprises a first section extending in a transverse direction, from a first front portion to a first back portion, in a coronal direction, and in a sagittal direction, the first front portion and the first back portion having a length in the coronal direction, and a second section extending in the transverse direction, from a second front portion to a second back portion, in the coronal direction, and in the sagittal direction, the second front portion and the second back portion having a length in the coronal direction, wherein the second front portion of the second section is arranged at least partially coronal of the first front portion of the first section.
- 출원번호 : 18955011
- 출원인 : Gellerstedt, Fredrik
- 특허번호 :
- IPC : G21F-003/02(2006.01);A41D-013/05(2006.01);A61B-006/10(2006.01);