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  • 2025

    Purpose: Nutritional status is associated with the prognosis of esophageal cancer (EC) patients, which can influence treatment efficacy. Additionally, the efficacy of consolidation chemotherapy (CCT) after definitive chemoradiotherapy (DCRT) is unclear. This study aimed to explore the prognostic value of the prognostic nutritional index (PNI) at different treatment periods, as well as its influence on CCT efficacy. Methods: We reviewed the data of 106 patients with cT2-4N0-3M0 EC who received DCRT between December 2016 and October 2020. Survival analyses were performed to investigate the prognostic effect of PNI and CCT. Results: The 3-year Progression-Free Survival (PFS) and Overall Survival (OS) rates were 41.58% and 49.31%, respectively. In the univariate analysis, tumor location, T stage, N stage, clinical stage, and post-radiation PNI were significantly associated with PFS, whereas tumor location, N stage, clinical stage, CCT, and post-radiation PNI were associated with OS. Furthermore, post-radiation PNI was identified as an independent risk indicator for PFS and OS, and CCT was identified as an independent risk indicator for OS by multivariate analysis. Additionally, we found that PNI detected 60–120 days after radiotherapy may be an ideal prognostic predictor. CCT improved PFS and OS in patients with post-radiation PNI ≥ 41.98, but not in patients with post-radiation PNI < 41.98. Conclusion: Our results revealed that post-radiation PNI and CCT were independently associated with survival in EC patients receiving DCRT. However, patients with low post-radiation PNI could not benefit from CCT, indicating that it is unnecessary to add CCT after concurrent chemoradiotherapy in these patients.
    • Book : 11(1)
    • Pub. Date : 2025
    • Page : pp.001-008
    • Keyword :
  • 2025

    본 논문은 오에 겐자부로의 초기 소설과 에세이를 고찰의 대상으로 하여 오에의 한반도와 한국전쟁에 대한 시선을 분석한 것이다. 오에는 신헌법의 ‘전쟁포기’와 ‘주권재민’이라는 이념을 현실생활의 모럴로 여기며 반전・반핵・평화의 의지를 관철시킨 작가이다. 그러나 1960년대 전반까지의 오에의 담론과 소설에는 전쟁에 ‘늦게 온 청년’의 전쟁에 대한 동경의 심리가 포착된다. 이것은 패전을 전쟁의 시대와의 ‘단절’이라는 감각으로만 받아들인 결과, 즉 전쟁에 대한 역사 의식의 결여에서 비롯된 모순된 정동이라 할 수 있다. 또한, 일본의 전쟁과 관련된 오에의 담론은 전쟁에 대한 역사적 성찰보다는 패전이라는 경험과 패전 후를 살아가는 의미에 중점이 놓여있었다. 이러한 태도는 일본의 전쟁뿐 아니라 한반도와 한국전쟁에 대한 시선에서도 확인되었다. ‘전후민주주의자’이자 비공산계 진보파 작가인 오에는 전후 내셔널리즘과 좌파 내셔널리즘의 자장 속에서 내셔널리스트적 성향과 중국과 구소련 등 사회주의체제에 경도된 모습을 보이기도 했다. 한반도에 대해서는 일본과 마찬가지로 점령상태였던 한국보다 북한의 미래에 희망을 발견하고 있었고, 이승만 라인을 선포한 한국정부에 대한 불만도 한몫하여 한국에 대해서는 부정적인 시선을 보였다. 소설 속의 한국전쟁은 미군의 전쟁처럼 전쟁의 주체로서의 미군에 대한 묘사가 중심을 이루고 있고, 한국전쟁 체험자로 설정된 재일조선인 등장인물의 경우, ‘성적 인간’의 국가가 된 일본의 현실과 ‘성적인 것’을 통해 전후사회를 포착하고자 한 오에의 문학적 주제를 체현한 인물에 지나지 않았다. 한반도의 분단이 일본의 전쟁과 식민지 지배의 결과라는 역사 인식이 드러나는 것은 폭력으로 점철된 근대 100년의 역사를 재조명한『만엔 원년의 풋볼』(1967) 이후, 즉 1960년대 후반부터라 할 수 있다.
    • Pub. Date : 2025
    • Page : pp.127-146
    • Keyword :
  • 2025

    An electromagnetic (EM) absorber-embedded Ka-band double-layer tapered slot antenna (DLTSA) is proposed in this work. The EM absorber is placed on both sides of the tapered radiating slots as a means of achieving the reduced monostatic radar cross section (RCS) at the X-band. A conventional tapered slot antenna (TSA) with EM absorbers at the same position suffers from the distorted current distribution from the feedline to the radiating slots and causes a degraded radiation performance with a tilted beam. In contrast, the DLTSA with EM absorbers maintains the impedance and radiation characteristics of the antenna without the EM absorbers, while achieving the reduced monostatic RCS for the cross-polarized incident wave. The functionality of the reduced RCS is verified with the 4-by-4 DLTSA array design. The 4-by-4 array prototype with FGM-125 EM absorbers is matched at the Ka-band with a 14.7 dBi boresight gain at 35 GHz. The monostatic RCS is measured in an indoor environment, showing 6.5 dB monostatic RCS reduction at the X-band on average, verifying the computed expectations. This work validates the possible use of EM absorbers at the front side of a missile seeker composed of end-fire radiating elements.
    • Book : 15(5)
    • Pub. Date : 2025
    • Page : pp.2507-2507
    • Keyword :
  • 2025

    Today in the world there is a growing interest in the interpretation of radiologic, in particular mammographic, data using artificial intelligence (AI). In the presented review of scientific literature, based on the most significant studies of recent years an attempt was made to determine the place of AI in radiologic diagnosis of breast cancer. It is shown that in the future, AI can become an integral part of breast cancer mammographic screening, although at the moment the ethical and legal issues of its use have not been fully resolved.
    • Book : 105(5)
    • Pub. Date : 2025
    • Page : pp.282-286
    • Keyword :
  • 2025

    방사선은 다양한 분야에 활용되며 산업 전반에 걸쳐 융합 가능한 기술로 주목받고 있다. 방사선 산업의 활성화 유도 및 산업적 활용을 위해 방사선 및 방사성동위원소 분야의 산업 분류를 수립할 필요가 있다. 본 연구에서는 분류체계(안)을 도출 및 분석하고 최종 분류체계를 제시하고자 한다. 생애주기, 주요 이용 분야별, 허가종류별, 종사자 피폭 분류체계 등 분류 기준에 따른 체계를 도출, 분석한 후 최종 분류체계를 선정하였다. 해당 분류체계의 세분류 선정 및 타당성 수립을 위해 표준산업분류코드와 매칭을 통한 검토를 수행하였다. 연구를 통해 도출된 분류체계는 국내 방사선 및 방사성동위원소 산업 분류에 직접적으로 활용될 수 있으며, 나아가 연구개발 정책 수립, 산업 규모 및 매출액 파악 등에 활용 될 수 있을 것으로 판단된다.
    • Book : 19(1)
    • Pub. Date : 2025
    • Page : pp.49-56
    • Keyword :
  • 2025

    This paper analyzes two novels written by Soviet writer Roman Kim in the 1950s: Notes Found in Sunchon (1951) and The Girl from Hiroshima(1954). These novels are set against the backdrop of historical events, namely the Korean War and the atomic bombing of Hiroshima. While both works were written within the framework of socialist realism and aligned with the Soviet Union’s Zhdanovshchina policy of the time, they incorporate documentary elements and literary techniques that go beyond ideological propaganda, thus contributing to the unique style of the author.The study examines how Kim's background as a Soviet intelligence officer influenced his literary works, particularly in terms of historical representation and political narratives. Notes Found in Sunchon is one of the first novels to depict the Korean War and reveals the ideological and geopolitical struggles of the era through the lens of espionage and international conspiracy. The Girl from Hiroshima, on the other hand, is significant as an early anti-nuclear novel that portrays the struggles of atomic bomb survivors in post-war Japan.By analyzing the content of these two works and placing them within the political and cultural context of the Soviet Union in the 1950s, this paper reassesses their literary and historical significance. It argues that despite their ideological framing, Kim’s novels offer a broader and more complex perspective on Cold War-era conflicts and contribute to the discourse on war, ideology, and human experience.
    • Pub. Date : 2025
    • Page : pp.57-85
    • Keyword :
  • 2025

    Background. Early diagnosis of diabetic polyneuropathy in childhood is an urgent healthcare problem. Radiomics analysis of ultrasound images is a promising diagnostic tool for assessing the morphological structure of peripheral nerves in type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM).Objective: to evaluate the possibility of using radiomics analysis in the diagnosis of peripheral nerve changes based on ultrasound images in T1DM patients of young age.Material and methods. A total of 126 ultrasound images of peripheral nerves of the upper and lower limbs in T1DM patients aged 10–17 years (n=10) and controls (n=10) (four locations, greyscale mode) were studied.Results. Radiomics analysis revealed differences in the texture of peripheral nerves of the limbs in young T1DM patients when compared with healthy individuals.Conclusion. The method of radiomics analysis is a promising diagnostic tool for assessing changes in peripheral nerves in children and adolescents with T1DM.
    • Book : 105(5)
    • Pub. Date : 2025
    • Page : pp.245-254
    • Keyword :
  • 2025

    Radiation protection standards aim to balance public health with enabling beneficial uses of radiation technologies. However, characterizing risks from ionizing radiation exposure presents ongoing scientific challenges, particularly at low doses where epidemiological data is limited. Continued research supporting robust risk quantification remains essential for establishing evidence-based protection policies as technologies and understanding progress. Numerous epidemiological cohorts have provided vital long-term follow-up data on cancer risks from high-dose exposures such as from atomic bombs in Japan. Analysing this dataset remains important for disentangling effects of dose and dose-rate. More recent international collaborative efforts are focusing on populations with lower-dose occupational or medical exposures through pooled analyses merging country-specific databases. Key research priorities include further exploring transmission of risks across generations as well as variations in individual susceptibility that could impact risk prediction. Cornerstone of optimization and providing the safest working conditions for those working in the nuclear industry. Large collaborative databases present opportunities to address limitations through standardized characterization of endpoints and robust dosimetry across settings like occupation and medical radiation exposure history. This paper argues sustained global commitment across disciplinary research remains essential for most accurately characterizing radiation dangers to better guide radiation protection policies worldwide. This paper reviews advances and limitations in current understanding through multidisciplinary research efforts.
    • Book : 13(1)
    • Pub. Date : 2025
    • Page : pp.53-61
    • Keyword :
  • 2025

    Bee pollen is produced by honeybees from the agglutination of pollen grains belonging to one or more plant species. Although it is intended to be a nutritional source for the hive, its remarkable concentration of nutrients and phytochemicals, combined with its pleasant organoleptic qualities, makes it appealing for human consumption. This study examined the phytochemical content and the antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of a polyfloral bee pollen collected in Tuscany (Italy). Additionally, its less studied anti-inflammatory potential towards tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α)-inflamed A549 cells was evaluated to assess its possible use in inflammatory respiratory diseases. Bee pollen extract (BPE) was chemically characterized in terms of total polyphenol (20.2 ± 1.5 mg gallic acid equivalents/g fw), flavonoid (9.22 ± 0.64 mg quercetin equivalents/g fw), and carotenoid (10.4 ± 1.4 µg carotenoids/g fw) contents. BPE exerted good antioxidant and antiradical activities in ferric reducing antioxidant power (38.6 ± 4.5 mg Fe2+/g fw), oxygen radical absorbance capacity (433.77 ± 18.95 μmol TE/g fw), and 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (EC50 = 613.8 ± 79.2 μg/mL) assays. Additionally, BPE inhibited the growth of Bacillus subtilis and Pseudomonas stutzeri (MIC = 10 mg/mL) in the microdilution assay. When TNF-α-inflamed A549 cells were pretreated with BPE (10 and 50 µg/mL), the upregulated interleukin-8 gene and cyclooxygenase-2 gene and protein expression were significantly attenuated. BPE modulated the nuclear factor-κB signaling pathway by decreasing its active phosphorylated form levels. These encouraging results confirm that honeybee pollen is a valuable health-promoting food that could alleviate the inflammatory component of various chronic pulmonary conditions.
    • Book : 14(5)
    • Pub. Date : 2025
    • Page : pp.802-802
    • Keyword :
  • 2025

    This study aims to isolate and characterize limonoid compounds from Clausena excavata Burm.F and evaluate their antibacterial potential against Enterococcus faecalis, a pathogen associated with antibiotic resistance in healthcare settings. Plant samples were collected from natural habitats in Southeast Asia and identified by botanists for authenticity. The leaves, stems, and fruits were dried, ground into fine powder, and subjected to ethanol/methanol maceration, followed by liquid-liquid fractionation. Column chromatography and Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC) were used for initial compound separation, while High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) was employed for further purification. Structural characterization was conducted using Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR), Mass Spectrometry (MS), and Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR). The antibacterial activity of the isolated limonoids was tested against E. faecalis using the disk diffusion method, with Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) and Minimum Bactericidal Concentration (MBC) determined through broth microdilution assays. The results indicate that limonoid compounds from Clausena excavata exhibit moderate antibacterial activity, producing inhibition zones smaller than standard antibiotics but still demonstrating potential for bacterial growth suppression. This study highlights Clausena excavata as a promising natural source of antibacterial agents, contributing to alternative solutions against antibiotic-resistant bacteria. The findings support further exploration of limonoids as lead compounds for novel antimicrobial drugs, promoting the use of natural products in combating antibiotic resistance and advancing phytopharmaceutical applications in healthcare.
    • Book : 9(1)
    • Pub. Date : 2025
    • Page : pp.216-226
    • Keyword :