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The development and analysis of the properties of a new material based on UV-curable acrylate monomers with silicon-containing hydroxyapatite and zinc oxide nanoparticles as an antibacterial component and gelatin was carried out. Using this material in orthopedics and dentistry is very convenient because it covers any surface geometry of metal implants and hardens under ultraviolet light. In this work, sorption properties, changes in porosity, and mechanical properties of the material were investigated. The conditions for obtaining hydroxyapatite (HA) nanoparticles and the presence of silicon oxide nanoparticles and organic for the shell in an aqueous medium were studied for the pH of the medium, the sequence of administration and concentration of the material components, as well as antibacterial properties. This polymer material is partially resorbable. That supports not only the growth of bone cells but also serves as a protective layer. It reduces friction between organic tissues and a metal implant and can be a solution to the problem of the aseptic instability of metal implants. The material can also be used to repair damaged bones and cartilage tissues, especially in cases where the application and curing procedure is performed using laparoscopic methods. In this work, the authors propose a simple and quite cheap method for obtaining material based on photopolymerizable acrylates and natural gelatin with nanoparticles of HA, zinc oxide, and silicon oxide. The method allows one to obtain a composite material with different nanoparticles in a polymer matrix which retain the requisite properties needed such as active-sized HA, antibacterial ZnO, and structure-forming and stability-improving SiO2 nanoparticles.- Book : 9(2)
- Pub. Date : 2025
- Page : pp.65-65
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The Beam Gas Ionisation (BGI) profile monitor, located in the Proton Synchrotron (PS) and
Super Proton Synchrotron (SPS) at CERN, requires a radiation-tolerant readout system to transfer
data from the challenging accelerator surroundings to the back-end for processing. The system
needs to control and acquire data from four Timepix3 Hybrid Pixel Detectors (HPDs) located
directly inside the beam pipe, a highly radioactive environment. It must ensure reliability given
limited hardware access and preserve signal integrity for the high-speed data (32 channels at 320 MHz). However, due to the unavailability of a suitable rad-hard Timepix3 readout, the Beam
Instrumentation PiXeL (BIPXL) readout system was designed to meet these requirements. This system
employs radiation-hardened components such as the GBTx and the FEASTMP, both developed at CERN. It
will be compatible with forthcoming hybrid pixel detector initiatives in similarly harsh radiation conditions.- Book : 20(02)
- Pub. Date : 2025
- Page : pp.C02009-C02009
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SummaryEfforts to achieve precise and efficient tumor targeting of highly malignant brain tumors are constrained by the dearth of appropriate models to study the effects and potential side effects of radiation, chemotherapy, and immunotherapy on the most complex human organ, the brain. We established a cerebral organoid model of brain tumorigenesis in an autologous setting by overexpressing c-MYC as one of the most common oncogenes in brain tumors. GFP+/c-MYChighcells were isolated from tumor organoids and used in two different culture approaches: assembloids comprising of a normal cerebral organoid with a GFP+/c-MYChightumor sphere and co-culture of cerebral organoid slices at air-liquid interface with GFP+/c-MYChighcells. GFP+/c-MYChighcells used in both approaches exhibited tumor-like properties, including overexpression of the c-MYC oncogene, high proliferative and invasive potential, and an immature phenotype as evidenced by increased expression of Ki-67, VIM, and CD133. Organoids and organoid slices served as suitable scaffolds for infiltrating tumor-like cells. Using our highly reproducible and powerful model system that allows long-term culture, we demonstrated that the migratory and infiltrative potential of tumor-like cells is shaped by the environment in which glia cells provide support to tumor-like cells.- Book : ()
- Pub. Date : 2025
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The composition inside a comet nuclear can be detected through the molecular rotational emission lines at millimeter or submillimeter wavelengths. We observed a long-period comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF) using the Purple Mountain Observatory 13.7 m radio telescope at 3.4 mm during mid January and early February in 2023. From the observed spectra, the hydrogen cyanide (HCN)(J = 1–0) spectra lines was detected. The mean production rate of HCN is (8.30 ± 1.14) × 1025 molec. s−1 in mid January and (3.91 ± 0.84) × 1025 molec. s−1 in early February. we also estimated the upper limit of the production rate of HCO+. We obtained the abundance of HCN relative to water, (0.13 ± 0.02)% in mid January when C/2022 E3 (ZTF) got close to the Sun at 1.11 au, and (0.13 ± 0.03)% in early February at 1.16 au. Our conclusion leans toward E3 being similar to most comets, with the abundance of HCN remaining stable during our two observation periods.- Book : 169(3)
- Pub. Date : 2025
- Page : pp.126-126
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AbstractMost caves in temperate regions are energy-poor, leading to low richness and abundances of terrestrial macroinvertebrates. However, caves with abundant bat populations may represent a notable exception, as bat guano serves as a significant source of organic matter, supporting diverse specialized invertebrates. Yet, given the overall rarity of guano-rich caves in temperate region, their ecological dynamics are poorly understood. We conducted a year-long monthly standardized monitoring of the macroinvertebrates of the Buca dei Ladri cave, a guano-rich cavity in Tuscany, Italy. At each survey, we counted species within different sampling quadrats and collected environmental variables such as temperature, structural heterogeneity of the substrate, dominant substrate, and presence of bats. Over the year, we identified 31 macroinvertebrate species in the cave as both morphospecies and molecular lineages, based on mitochondrial COI and nuclear 18S genes. The latter approach hinted at the presence of cryptic diversity in some species. We observed an increase in species diversity with increasing structural complexity and the presence of bats, whereas a lower species diversity was found in guano-dominated substrates, probably due to the old age and subsequent low nutritional value of the historical guano deposits. Changes in the abundance of species within the cave were primarily explained by differences in structural complexity across sampling quadrats, whereas the distance from the cave entrance mostly explained species replacement. Our results underscore the importance of preserving healthy bat populations and a high habitat heterogeneity within the cave for the long-term conservation of the unique macroinvertebrate assemblages of the cave.- Book : ()
- Pub. Date : 2025
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ABSTRACTSkin malignancies associated with radiation exposure, notably malignant melanoma and keratinocyte carcinoma, are emerging as a significant global health challenge. While indoor tanning beds are associated with skin cancer risk, limited research exists on ultraviolet (UV)/light‐emitting diode (LED) nail lamps used widely in manicures/pedicures. This scoping review aimed to synthesize evidence on the health effects of UV/LED nail lamp exposure during manicures/pedicures. A systematic search of PubMed, Scopus, and CINAHL identified 17 articles, including 12 studies and 5 case reports meeting eligibility criteria published in English from inception to January 2024. Several studies characterized emitted spectra and measured irradiances from commercial lamps, finding predominantly UVA emissions that complied with safety guidelines when correctly used. However, higher exposures exceeding safety limits were also observed. In vitro evidence demonstrated that UV nail lamps potentially induce DNA damage consistent with carcinogenesis. Case reports described squamous cell carcinoma and actinic keratosis restricted to the hands of patients with histories of extensive UV nail lamp exposure. While studies suggested that the cancer risks from typical use are acceptably low, there is room for improvement. Measurements have shown that the doses of UV emission vary across different lamps yet remain low. Surveys have revealed a need for more consumer awareness regarding these risks. Current evidence is insufficient to support the mandatory implementation of protective measures such as gloves or sunscreen during UV nail lamp exposure. More importantly, a direct causal link between UV nail lamps and carcinoma development has not been conclusively established.- Book : ()
- Pub. Date : 2025
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Surface albedo measurements of snow and ice on Lake Ulansu in the Central Asian arid climate zone were conducted during the winter of 2016–2017. Observations were categorized into three stages based on the ice growth and surface condition: bare ice, snow cover, and melting. During the bare ice stage, the mean surface albedo was 0.35 with a decreasing trend due to the accumulation of wind-blown sediment on the ice surface (range: 0.99–1.87 g m−2). Two snowfall events occurred during the snow cover stage, significantly increasing the surface albedo to 0.91. During the melting stage, the albedo decreased at a decay rate of 0.20–0.30/day. Four existing albedo schemes were evaluated but found unsuitable for Lake Ulansu. A new surface albedo scheme was proposed by incorporating the existing albedo schemes with the measured data. This scheme incorporated the effect of sediment content on bare ice albedo for the first time. It demonstrated a modelling efficiency of 0.933 over the entire 3-month period, which was used to evaluate the fit between the predicted and observed values. When validated with albedo observations from other winters, it achieved a modelling efficiency of 0.940. The closer the value is to 1, the better the model’s predictive accuracy, indicating a higher level of reliability in the model’s performance. This scheme has potential applicability to other lakes in the Central Asian arid climate zone, which is characterized by low precipitation, frequent sandstorms, and intense solar radiation.- Book : 17(4)
- Pub. Date : 2025
- Page : pp.523-523
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Mitochondrial tRNA gene loss and cytosolic tRNA import are two common phenomena in mitochondrial biology, but their importance is often under-appreciated in animals. This is because the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) of most bilaterally symmetrical animals (Bilateria) encodes a complete set of tRNAs required for mitochondrial translation. By contrast, the mtDNA of non-bilaterian animals (phyla Cnidaria, Ctenophora, Porifera, and Placozoa) often contains a reduced set of tRNA genes, necessitating tRNA import from the cytosol.
Interestingly, in many non-bilaterian lineages, tRNA gene content appears to be set early in evolution and remains conserved thereafter. Here, we report that Clade B of Haplosclerid Sponges (CBHS) represents an exception to this pattern, displaying considerable variation in tRNA gene content even among relatively closely related species. We determined mt-genome sequences for eight CBHS species and analyzed them in conjunction with six previously available sequences.
Additionally, we sequenced mt-genomes for two species of haplosclerid sponges outside the CBHS and used eight previously available sequences as outgroups. We found that tRNA gene content varied widely within CBHS, ranging from three in an undescribed Haliclona species (Haliclona sp. TLT785) to 25 in Xestospongia muta and X. testudinaria. Furthermore, we found that all CBHS species outside the genus Xestospongia lacked the atp9 gene, with some also lacking atp8.
Analysis of nuclear sequences from Niphates digitalis revealed that both atp8 and atp9 had transferred to the nuclear genome, while the absence of mt-tRNA genes indicated their genuine loss. We argue that CBHS can serve as a valuable system for studying mt-tRNA gene loss, mitochondrial import of cytosolic tRNAs, and the impact of these processes on mitochondrial evolution.- Book : ()
- Pub. Date : 2025
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An approach to achieve nuclear fusion utilizing the formation of high densities of electrons and neutrals is described. The abundance of low energy free electrons produces intense electric fields that reduce the Coulomb barrier in nuclear fusion. Meanwhile, high-density rotating neutrals provide high centrifugal forces to achieve the extreme pressure gradients of electrons and consequent negative electric fields to reduce the ion repulsive Coulombic fields. These high-density neutrals also provide better stability and higher reaction rates. Ion–neutral coupling is responsible for the control of neutral dynamics. Since high-frequency excitations favor the generation of free electrons, pulsed operations are recommended to achieve fusion with higher gains.- Book : 8(1)
- Pub. Date : 2025
- Page : pp.4-4
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This research aims to enhance the efficiency of polycrystalline silicon solar
photovoltaic panels by addressing the dual challenges of dust accumulation
and temperature variations. The study investigates the effects of applying a
hydrophobic graphene nano-coating on the top surface of the panels to
prevent dust buildup, coupled with a top water-cooling system to regulate
panel temperature. Outdoor experiments were conducted in Coimbatore, India,
from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm under sunny conditions for 40 days. A total of eight
identical photovoltaic panels were tested with various configurations, and
performance parameters such as glass temperature, tedlar temperature, output
power, solar radiation, ambient temperature, and wind speed were recorded.
Experimental results show that the graphene nano-coating reduces panel
temperature by 9.36% compared to the dusty panel and 3.8% compared to the
uncoated, manually cleaned panel by day 40. The nano-coating alone increased
power output and efficiency by 4.16% and 3.3%, respectively, compared to the
uncoated, no-cooling panel. Additionally, the nano-coated, top water-cooled
panels showed improvements of 16.87% in output power and 13.22% in
efficiency compared to the uncoated, no-cooling panel, and 3.11% in power
and 2.82% in efficiency compared to the uncoated, water-cooled panels. These
results demonstrate that the combined application of graphene nano-coating
and water cooling effectively enhances the performance and longevity of
photovoltaic modules by reducing dust accumulation and regulating
temperature.- Book : (00)
- Pub. Date : 2025
- Page : pp.8-8
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