One of the main sources of electricity generation is power plants that use water (steam) to rotate turbines, which drive large electric generators. The steam can be generated from renewable or non-renewable energy sources, such as geothermal energy and nuclear fuels. Having an analysis tool for modeling the performance of such steam power plants can greatly help in reaching optimum designs, leading to less fuel consumption, reduced pollution, and cheaper electricity. It is further advantageous if such modeling tool is free to access, does not require many inputs from the user, and gives results in a very short time. These remarks establish a motivation for the current study. This article documents a computer code written in the Python programming language for numerically analysing the main processes in a steam power cycle with superheating. The code utilizes built-in thermodynamic properties for water in the open-source software package 'Cantera'. A validation case with a benchmarking example in the literature using an independent source of water properties suggests that the developed code is correct. The code can be viewed as an extension to the Python examples for thermodynamic and power generation applications. Cantera can handle both subcritical and supercritical types of superheating. In the subcritical superheating, the steam absolute pressure does not exceed 220.9 bar. In the supercritical superheating, water becomes in a special condition called supercritical fluid, with absolute pressures above 220.9 bar.
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- Pub. Date : 2025
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