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Workshop on the Future Cooperation of the RCA Regional Office







Workshop on the Future Cooperation of the RCA Regional Office

for Sustainable Development



Title:                                          RCARO Staff Workshop on the Future Cooperation of the RCA Regional Office for Sustainable Development


Venue:                                     Daejeon/Jeju, Republic of Korea


Date:                                         1-3 November 2011


Participation:                      This Workshop is open to the present staff of the RCA Regional Office (RCARO) including former temporary staff from the RCA Member States who participated in the RCARO temporary staff fellowship programme.



Information:                         Since its foundation in 2002, the RCARO has achieved a lot of progress based on the mandate given by the RCA Member States to enhance the visibility and viability of the RCA.


The RCARO intends to organize a brainstorming meeting and invites present and former temporary staff expecting their contribution in sharing ideas on how to enhance the RCARO’s future activities for sustainable development.


Nature of

the workshop:                    The Workshop will consist of presentations on the sustainable development of RCARO. Each participant is expected to make a presentation on their experiences in the RCARO and their present organizations and on their ideas for the sustainable development of the RCARO. The materials presented and the discussions at the meeting will be used as valuable resources for the RCARO stakeholders’ consideration on a long term vision of the RCARO.


Purpose of

the workshop:                   The objectives of the workshop include the following:

1)      To introduce the present status of the RCA and RCARO activities to the past temporary staff

2)      To introduce the RCA activities of their countries by the previous temporary staff from the MSs

3)      To brainstorm on how to enhance the operation of the RCARO and its programmes for sustainable development in a medium and long term

4)      To discuss on how to enhance the RCA networking among the MSs

5)      To exchange ideas on the RCARO temporary staff fellowship programme




Assistance:                          The participants will be provided with financial assistance (daily allowance for accommodation and a round-trip air ticket in economy class) by the RCARO for their participation in the workshop.


Organizer:                            RCA Regional Office


Local organizers:              Mr. Jin-kyu LIM

                                                     Head, Administrative Division

                                    Tel.: +82 42 868 490

                                    Email jklim@rcaro.org


                                                    Ms. Hyunkyoung Jeon

                                                    Deputy Head, Programme Division

                                  Tel.: +82 42 868 8223

                                   Email: hkjeon@rcaro.org


Programme:              2011 RCARO Workshop Programme