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Epilepsy in Western Pacific Region Needs Necessary Measures First Beijing International Forum for Epilepsy Called for Action






Epilepsy is the most serious common neurological disorder, with a conservative estimate of 50 million people worldwide suffering from the condition. Of these, 80% are believed to live in developing countries. The First Beijing International Forum for Epilepsy that was held on 21 Oct. 04 at the Beijing Central Grand Hotel, agreed to launch the 'Global Campaign Against Epilepsy' (GCAE) that strongly urges governments to improve treatment, services and prevention of epilepsy in the Western Pacific region.

At the Forum, a report titled 'Epilepsy in the Western Pacific Region: A call to action' was adopted. The report summarizes the current situation concerning epilepsy, its public health impact, past and present activities in community-based control, and directions for further action. The call for action urges governments, international and regional organizations and non-governmental organizations to implement and support actions in six areas: (1) public education (2) community-based control and prevention programmes (3) legislative reform (4) investment in research (5) lay and professional epilepsy organizations, and (6) information exchange and intercountry co-operation.

The report was developed by the WHO Regional Office for the Western Pacific, WHO Head- quarters, the International League Against Epilepsy' (ILAE) and the International Bureau for Epilepsy' (IBE).

For more information, contact: Dr Wang Xiangdong - Regional Adviser for Mental Health Email: wangx@wpro.who.int

