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RCA News
Clean Air Initiative MTERN International Conference 6-10 June 2005, Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand Bring Together Int'l Expertise in Water and Environment Sectors






The World Bank and Asian Development Bank supported 'Clean Air Initiatives' for Asian cities will hold an international conference on MTERM (Modeling Tools for Environment and Resources Management) in 6-10 June 2005 at Asian Institute of Technology in Bangkok. The primary objective of the conference is to bring together international expertise in water and environment sectors where modeling skills and IWRM (Integrated Water Resources System) principles and concepts are needed and to share their experiences, innovative ideas, and to disseminate the state-of-the-art knowledge.

The development of computer models of the physical, chemical and biological processes that take place in the environment allows for analysis of different alternatives and strategies for environmental resources management, without expense and difficulties of real-world implementation. The holistic approach to resources management calls for integration of national and human systems through the process of Integrated Water Resources System (IWRM).

In line with this new trend, a special program: MTERM was established that emphasizes on development and application of modeling tools for water resources and environmental management. The June Thailand Conference is an activity under this programme.

Themes of the Conference include Integrated Water Resources Management, Modeling of Water Resources, Water Quality Management and Modeling, and Air Pollution Modeling. It is noted that the RCA has three major regional cooperative projects for 2005-06 cycles under the thematic sector of the environment. They are 1) Nuclear techniques for improved management of transboundary air pollution in the Asia and the Pacific region 2) Application of isotope techniques in groundwater contamination studies in urbanized and industrialized areas, and 3) Improving regional capacity for assessment, planning, and response to aquatic environmental emergencies.

For further information on the MTERM Conference: mterm@ait.ac.th

