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RCA News
IAEA/RCA Executive Meeting on Air Pollution Monitoring 5-7 April 2005, Sydney, Australia, hosted by ANSTO To Recommend Future Air Quality Management Plan






In East Asia and the Pacific region, air pollution monitoring or management activities have been implemented since 1997 through several regional projects. As a result, an initial network of end users for the data and resulting source apportionment was established and in recent years, RCA Member States have started to set in place policies and legislation for air pollution mitigation. Furthermore, along with other regional and financial organizations supporting air pollution problems, in 2003 IAEA approved another regional project on “Improved Information about Urban Air Quality management.” The executive meeting on air pollution monitoring will be held in Sydney 5-7 April 2005.
In this executive meeting, the current issues in the field of air pollution pertinent to trans-boundary effects, visibility, climate change, health and agriculture will be reviewed and discussed. Among others, one of the meeting’s objectives is to define the most important and urgent issues in this field in the RCA Region that require urgent solution through coordinated regional efforts. In particular, it is also expected to have recommendations on possible future RCA Programmes in air quality management as well.

