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RCA News
Enhanced Awareness on RCA Achievements at FNCA Meeting RCA Coordinator made Presentation at 5th FNCA CM in Tokyo






Dr Prinath Dias, IAEA/RCA Coordinator, made a presentation on RCA achievements and future directions at the 5fh Coordinators Meeting (CM) of FNCA (Forum for Nuclear Cooperation in Asia) which was held in Tokyo in 3-5 March 2004. Dr Dias highlighted the RCA achievements during the past on agriculture, health, industry, environment, and so on. He also introduced RCA future directions and suggested strengthened collaboration between RCA and FNCA.

At the Meeting at Keio Plaza Hotel in Tokyo, national coordinators from 9 FNCA member countries have participated, i.e., AUL, CPR, INS, JPN, KOR, MAL, PHI, THA and VIE. It is noted that the all FNCA member countries are also at the same time the RCA Member States. Therefore, symbiotic and supplementary cooperation between RCA and FNCA in their projects has been a task for consideration. In his presentation, Dr Dias also underlined 'Establishment of Partnership' and 'Increasing the Visibility of the RCA' as RCA's major future direction.