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RCA News
Result of a Survey on Research Areas and Request for Research Project Proposals






27 December 2016


Subject: Result of a Survey on Research Areas and Request for Research Project Proposals


Dear National RCA Representatives,


The 38th RCA NRM held in Mongolia endorsed the implementation of the RCARO Managed Projects which comprises of Supplementary Project (SP), Research Project (RP) and Training Project (TP). In this regard, RCARO is going to implement a Research Project under this framework in 2017.


To begin with, RCARO conducted a survey of NRs on research areas aiming to identify the common areas of interest of the Government Parties. 13 Government Parties responded to the survey and it was found that “environment” was the most common area of interest amongst the RCA thematic areas. The result is attached for your information.


Based on the survey result, the research project for the year 2017 will be on research work in the area of environment and the Government Parties are kindly encouraged to submit proposals through consultation with the relevant national research institutes using the attached template by the end of February 2017.


Proposals will be tabled at the 39th NRM for review of the National RCA Representatives and further reviewed by the RCA PAC and RCARO SAC according to the procedure. The procedure for development of research project by the Director of RCARO as well as the timeline is also attached for your reference.


Thank you always for your support and cooperation.


Best regards,


Hai Joo Moon


RCA Regional Office



1.      Result of a Survey on Research Areas for Research Project

2.      Proposal Template

3.      Procedure for Development of Research Project by the Director RCARO




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