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RCA News
New National RCA Representative of Thailand Dr Pathom Yamkate, Secretary General of OAP Visited RCARO for Exchange Views on RCA Matters






Dr Pathom Yamkate, the newly appointed Secretary General of the Office of Atoms for Peace of Thailand took up the responsibility of National RCA Representaive of Thailand in succession to Dr Manoon Aramrattana. Dr Aramrattana has been promoted as an Inspector-General of the Ministry of Science and Technology in October 2003, responsible in overall of the inspecting operations and performances of all authorities under the Ministry. Dr Pathom Yamkate was the Deputy Secretary General of OAP mainly responsible for Ongkarak research reactor construction project.
He has long been associated with IAEA/RCA programmes as well as FNCA matters. Supporting to Dr Yamkate in international co-operation and general administration is Mr Poonsuk Pongpat who was also recently appointed as the Director, Bureau of Atomic Energy Administration of OAP, while Ms Jindarom Chvajarernpun, Senior Nuclear Chemist, is in charge of IAEA/RCA matters.

Dr Pathom Yamake and Dr Poonsuk Pongpat visited RCARO on 25 November 2003 and discussed with Mr Jin-Kyoung Kim, Director, RCARO on the RCA matters, particularly on how RCARO can serve for RCA Member States. Dr Pathom said information flow among RCA Member States would be more important than ever and explained that OAP is trying to enhance information technology for better information flow.