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Malaysia's Success Stories Achieving MDGs may Benefit the Region Based on Socio-economic Development Experience over last 2 Decades






An initial assessment by UNDP and the UN Country Team of the progress towards the MDGs found that Malaysia had fully and partially achieved the Goals therefore it became useful to input the country's experience for the MDG Progress Report and preparing documentation. The document will focus on how Malaysia achieved success in socio-economic development over the last two decades. When prepared, other Governments and civil society groups in Asia and the Pacific region may benefit from Malaysia's experience to prepare their documents. The 'how-to' manuals are expected to provide practical guidance on the policies, strategies, and programmes of other countries that were adopted by the governments and its partners. (Source: UNDP)

UNDP Malaysia and the UN Country Team have been working on the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) on two fronts. The first effort was on preparing the MDGs Progress Report. Based on the indicators suggested, data were collected for the first seven goals for the period 1990 (base year) to 2000. the outcome of this a draft report that shows the progress thus far on the attainment of the MDGs.

At the same time, the UN Country Team is preparing an analytical assessment of the progress on each of the Goals with a focus on the status of attainment, and underlying gaps and concerns that need to be addressed. This analytical assessment is envisaged to provide inputs to the Government for its own MDG Progress Report. An assessment of these gaps is intended to assist the country in focusing on changes in strategies to fully achieve the MDGs. Secondly, a UN Country Team has evolved which involves the sharing of Malaysia's experiences on the achievements of the MDGs.

