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RCA News
19th KAIF/KNS Annual Conference 25-27 April 2004, Seoul, Korea






The 19th Annual Conference jointly organized by the Korea Atomic Industrial Forum (KAIF) and the Korean Nuclear Society (KNS) will be held at Sheraton Grand Walker Hill Hotel in Seoul, Korea in 25-27 April 2004. The Conference is one great forum in which world nuclear communities discuss the current issues as well as foresee the future trend.
The Annual Conference will consist of 9 sessions and will cover a wide range of nuclear agenda that will provide a valuable progress of global nuclear milestone. The topics to be dealt at the Conference are 1) Growth and present issues of nuclear industry 2) Engineering and construction of nuclear power plants 3) Operation and maintenance of nuclear power plants 4) Radioactive waste disposal 5) Social receptivity of nuclear power 6) Nuclear safety and regulation 7) Future applications of nuclear technologies 8) Nuclear fuel technologies, and 9) Radiation protection and radioisotope applications.
The Technical Programme Committee (TPC) is now calling for papers to be presented at the Conference by the end of February. Along with the Conference, there will be annual technical exhibition at the venue. RCARO plans to enhance RCA awareness by introducing RCA profile at the Conference.

For further information: please write to annconf@kaif.or.kr
or Mr Ho Hyun Chang at hohchang@kaif.or.kr

