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RCA News
5th FNCA National Coordinators' Meeting 9 Member Countries Discuss Current and Future Activities 3-5 March 2004, Keio Plaza Hotel, Tokyo, Japan






The 5th National Coordinators' Meeting of the FNCA (Forum for Nuclear Co-operation in Asia) will be held in 3-5 March 2004 at Keio Plaza Hotel in Shinjuku of Tokyo. FNCA National Coordinators of member countries will confirm current co-operative projects focused on amplified use of nuclear technologies in agricultural, medical, industrial, environmental areas, as well as future plans among the FNCA member countries (Australia, China, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand and Viet Nam).

This annual meeting will underline the outcomes from implementing FNCA co-operative projects and will also highlight new activities such as 'Role of Nuclear Energy for Sustainable Development in Asia' and 'Application and Use of PET (Positron Emission Tomography), Cyclotron and RI in Nuclear Medicine'. The FNCA which grew up from ICNCA (International Conference on Nuclear Co-operation in Asia and the Pacific) has been holding National Coordinators' Meeting in March annually in Japan while convening the Ministerial level Meeting (MM) and Senior Officials' Meeting (SOM) in autumn in Japan and in a member country every another year. It is noted that all FNCA member countries are at the same time the RCA Member States. Therefore, a need to seek supplementary and collaborative efforts between RCA and FNCA have been conversed in the past. It is also noted that in fact some projects such as medical and research reactor have endeavored for the supplementary impact.

For more information: Ms Sachiko Onose, onose@jaif.or.jp

