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RCA News
Call for Proposals - 2nd Phase of the RCA Research Project






Dear National RCA Representatives,


With the aim to supplement the RCA Programme and accommodate the needs of the GPs on the cooperative research in nuclear science and technology, the RCARO has been implementing the RCA Research Project since 2018. Upon the approval of the 48th GCM on the implementation of the 2nd phase of the RCA Research Project, I have the pleasure to invite RCA Government Parties to participate in the Project on ‘Air Quality and Environmental Impact Assessment of Industrial Activities in Asian Region’.


Institutes in the RCA Government Parties have the opportunity to participate in the RCA Research Project in forms of either Research Contracts or Research Agreements. In this connection, it would be much appreciated if the interested institutes could submit proposals for either Research Contract or Research Agreement to the RCARO through the respective National RCA Representatives by 31 July 2020.


The proposals should outline the country’s research contribution to the project with reference to the approved Research Project Theme and Major Project Components (objectives, outputs, outcomes, etc.) given in the Attachment 1 and 2, using a template given in the Attachment 3 or 4 as appropriate. For more information on the procedure and operation of the project, please refer to the information package given in the Attachment 5.


The proposals will be reviewed by the Research Review Committee based on their technical merits, compatibility with the project and capabilities to carry out the research. Project participation will be decided based on the RRC’s evaluation and will be informed to the GPs in due course.


Thank you for your support and continuing cooperation as always.



1. Approved Research Project Theme (2nd phase)

2. Major Project Components

3. Proposal template for Research Contract

4. Proposal template for Research Agreement

5. RCA Research Project Information Package


Best regards,


Mr Pill Hwan PARK


RCA Regional Office