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RCA News
IAEA/RCA Technical Meeting on Radiation Protection for Cardiologists 4-5 April 2005, Health Science Authority, Singapore






Cardiac catheterization procedures have benefited very large number of patients in avoiding major surgical procedures. While in some cases, such procedures expose patients to relatively high radiation doses and have been reported to reach the level of skin injuries. Accordingly, radiation protection had received national and international attention due to its possible harm. In order to create awareness among medical specialists involved in high dose procedures on radiological protection of the patients, first-ever international event was organized by IAEA exclusively for cardiologists in May 2004 in Vienna. Following up the first one, the second trainers’ meeting in that category will be held in Singapore in 4-9 April 2005. The Meeting will be supported by the Health Science Authority (HSA) in cooperation with the Government of Singapore.

At the Meeting, focus will be made on creating alertness among cardiologists about the need for radiation protection in cardiac catheterization procedures in order to apply the International Basic Safety Standards for Radiation Protection (BSS). Practical topics will be covered such as the way to reduce the doses while maintaining the required image quality, case reports of patients with skin injuries from cardiac international procedures, follow-up on radiation effects, existing guidance and recommendations by international agencies.

